The media coverage of this event will be huge. And it will
be global. There is already interest from some of the major
networks. In 1994, Norman's climb at the age of 89 received
worldwide attention including National Geographic, Prime
Time Live, CNN, David Letterman, Good Morning America, CBS
This Morning, Regis & Kathy Lee, New York Times, Boston
Globe, London's Financial Times, Life Magazine, and more.
In addition to media coverage, the expedition will be reaching
thousands of schools and teachers.
There are opportunities for branded product, merchandising
rights, TV and radio appearances, advertising, website prominence,
promotions, advertorials, personal appearances, and other
activitations specific to your company.
We encourage sponsors working together on cross-promotional
opportunities to maximize diverse, integrated marketing.
Please contact sponsorinfo@normanvaughan.com
to request more information regarding sponsorship opportunities.